Bank Genie
Software for Managing Bank Accounts

by Ideas for
User Guide - Applies to Bank Genie 4 and Bank Genie Pro 4
Last updated: 28th February 2018

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Working with transactions
Screen BS421S11 (with screenshots)
This screen is used by Bank Genie Pro only

To display this screen:
Uncheck the Easy Add checkbox, then add or edit a transaction in screen BS421S01
Screen BS421S03 appears
Click the Edit button inside the Transaction elements panel
This screen - BS421S11 - appears

In this section

The Use Predictive text checkbox
Screenshot BS421S11-10-Predictive
When checked, predictive text will help you enter text in the Spent on field

The Category and Sub Category popups
You can Add or Edit Categories and Sub Categories on the fly when using this screen
Referring to this screenshot:-
Adding a new Category or Sub-Category.
To add a new category, simply click the New button.
Screen BS421S17 appears.
Click the button: Add new Category
Screen BS420S02 appears
Continue to add your new Category.

To add a Sub-Category, begin by selecting the parent Category
Click the New button
Screen BS421S17 appears.
Click the button: Add new Sub-Category
Screen BS420S02 appears
Make sure the Parent for this Sub category is correct
Continue to add the new sub-category

Deleting a Category or Sub Category
Use the program Categories-BS420 to delete Categories or sub categories
When you Edit a Category (or a Sub Category) in the Categories program, Bank Genie shows the number of transactions which are linked to that Category.
You can decide whether or not to delete that Category

Tags - Applying to transactions
Refer to this screenshot to learn how to apply Tags to transactions
NOTE: To see and use the Tag controls:
Use the Preferences program BS498 and set the checkbox I need to use Tags to enabled (checked)

The Use last button
The Use Last button can be seen in  this Screenshot
Each time you click one of the OK buttons in screen BS421S11, Bank Genie memorises four items of data:

  1. The Category selected
  2. The Sub Category selected (if applicable)
  3. The text in the Transaction details (Spent on) field
  4. The Transfer To Bank Account - if category in 1) above is a Transfer

Click the Use Last button to reuse that data next time you add a new transaction (or indeed if you edit a transaction element).

Transfers (when adding)
Refer to this screenshot to learn how to do a transfer from one Bank Account to another.

Transfers - (when Editing) - Changing the Transfer Account
Referring to this screenshot
When you change the name of the account to receive the payment in an existing Transfer, Bank Genie gives you options on how to deal with the original other side of the transaction.
The options are:

  1. Delete
  2. Do not delete. Break the transfer link
  3. Cancel

When option 2 is taken, the original transaction on the other side of the Transfer is not deleted.
Its category is changed from Transfer to Broken Transfer.

 Transfers - (when Editing) - Undoing a Transfer
Referring to this screenshot
Use the Clear button to blank out the details in the Transfer To field.
Once again, Bank Genie gives you options on how to deal with the original other side of the transaction.
The options are the same as described above when the Transfer Account is changed

Transfers - Deleting a transfer
There are two cases:

  1. If there is only one element in the Transaction:-
    Bank Genie will not allow delete in this screen.
    Close the screen BS421S11
    Screen BS421S03 will reappear.
    When you click the Delete button screen BS421S18 will appear.
    Choose an option and proceed.
    If you choose the option Do NOT delete. Break the TRANSFER link then the transaction on the OTHER side is NOT deleted.
    this screenhot for BS421S18
    As explained, its Category will change from TRANSFER to BROKEN XFR.
    Read about Broken Transfers
    Thus, when you have completed the change to the transaction in edit, you can locate and edit the unlinked transaction and change the Category if necessary.
  2. There are more than one elements in the transaction
    Referring to this screenshot
    Bank Genie will offer the same options on how to deal with the other side of the transfer

The Get Invoice button
Referring to this screenshot
Use this button only if:-

  • the transaction has two (or more) elements
  • two (or more) elements need to be linked to different Invoices
    Link the first element by using the Invoice button in screen BS421S01
    Link the second element using THIS Invoice button currently being explained (the Invoice button in screen BS421S11)
  • you are editing a transaction which was NOT linked to an Invoice when added

Linking a transaction element to an Invoice
Referring to this screenshot
Click on the Get Invoice button. Screen BS100S02 will appear where you can work with Supplier profiles and Invoices.
You will then be able to add a supplier, add an invoice and select an invoice.
When you return to screen BS421S11, the Invoice details fields will be filled with the Invoice information, ready for linking to the transaction in edit.

Changing the Invoice link to another Invoice
Referring to this screenshot
Click the Get Invoice button.
Select another Invoice. The link to the previous Invoice will be broken.

To view or Edit an invoice which is already linked to a transaction
Referring to this screenshot
To edit an invoice which is already linked, right click on the Get Invoice button or right click on the Invoice number.
Then click the Edit Invoice option on the menu shortcut.

Removing a link between a transaction and an Invoice .
Referring to this screenshot
Right click on the Get Invoice button or right click on the Invoice number.
Then click the Unlink from invoice option on the menu shortcut.
NOTE: This does NOT delete the Invoice record

Transfers to a Bank with a Foreign Currency - Case 1
Case 1 - Using the Convert button
Use this method when you DON’T know the ACTUAL amount which will be credited to the OTHER account.

Best explained by an example in the Demo database:

  1. I click Add Debits in BS421S01 to begin adding a transaction to account Bank D.
    Its currency is USD.
  2. in screen BS421S03, I enter a transaction amount, 200 in USD.
  3. I click the Edit (a transaction element) button
  4. screen BS421S11 appears
  5. I click the T button (= shortcut to select the Transfer category)
  6. In the Transfer To control, I select Bank C. Its currency is GBP
    A number of extra controls and fields appear
    Referring to this Screenshot
    The Convert button
    I click the Convert button
    Bank Genie connects to a Financial Service website to determine the current exchange rate.
    This takes a couple of seconds - please wait.
    Bank Genie displays the results of the conversion.
    In this case, the Exchange Rate is returned and displayed as 0.6256.
    Bank Genie uses this to convert the 200 USD being transferred to GBP.
    The Amount in GBP is shown as 125.12 GBP
  7. Click an OK button and proceed to save this transaction. Two transactions will be created - one a Debit in the USD account and one a Credit in the GBP account.
  8. After adding:-
    This screenshot shows the Debit Transaction in BS421S03 as added above
     - in this case USD
    When in screen BS421S03, click on the Otherside button
    This screenshot shows the Credit transaction on the Other Side of the transfer
     - in this case GBP

Transfers to a Bank with a Foreign Currency - Case 2
Case 2 - Using the Calc (=Calculate) button
Use this method when you have a statement for the account on the OTHER side of the transfer, which shows the ACTUAL amount credited to the OTHER account.

Explained by using the Demo database.

  1. Select a GBP account in the initial screen of program BS421 (Screen BS421S01)
  2. Click the Add Debits button
    Screen BS421S03 appears
  3. Enter details including Amount= 100 GBP (the currency of this account)
  4. Click the Edit (a transaction element) button
    Screen BS421S11 appears

    Referring to this screenshot:-
  5. Select the Transfer category
  6. Select the USD account to receive the transfer
  7. Enter the ACTUAL Amount in USD
  8. Click the Calc (Calculate) button
  9. Exchange rate is calculated and displayed
  10. Click an OK button

Foreign Currency Transactions (NOT Transfers)

The OK buttons
There are two OK buttons on this screen.
You can use whichever one is more convenient - they both do the same thing.
The work you have done in screen BS421S11 is saved and returned to the previous screen - BS421S03.
Note: Changes to the transaction are NOT applied until you click Add or Save Changes in screen BS421S03

Back - to continue reading about the program Manage Transactions-BS421

Summary of Screenshots with Help

Back - to continue reading about the program Manage Transactions-BS421


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